
Thursday, April 26, 2012

French Pastry Class!

It was a Monday night, and I almost did not make it to our French Pastry Class.  Thank God I did not let work get in the way (pat on the back for me).  Thanks to a good friend who saw this on Living Social, we had four hours of (educational) fun making macarons and eclairs!  It was a good deal because we didn't only learn how to make the lovely pastries, but we got to bring them home too and aheeemmm... impress people (like my hubby - as if he needs impressing haha).  And it was just a small group - 7 students divided into 2 teams and our really nice teacher, Christie.  Very hands-on, and you can ask-questions-all-you-want.  Not bad for 60 bucks.

Plated Dessert made of Swan Eclairs
Finger Eclairs

I'm with Team Pink French Macarons

Neapolitan with Pastry Cream and Blackberries & Blueberries
Eclair with Almonds
My take-away box (there were probably 30 pieces there)!

Our Class at the Cook Au Vin Kitchen (our two other classmates were HILARIOUS) so that made the night so much fun!  And Christie, our teacher, was the best.  You just know she's been doing this all her life and she loves it.  So inspiring.


  1. 4 Filipinas in the class! Oh my gosh, I miss Janice :) I would love to be there and take part and learn and most of all, take home those goodies :-D

    Spanish Pinay

    1. Love having Janice with me - she's just a tumbling away haha!

  2. Oh my, this sounds right up my alley! How fun! So are macarons really temperamental? I have a macaron cookbook but I haven't had the time to dig in to it...

    1. Yes they are! It requires a lot of fussing! Haha!

  3. Hope I could join you there:)

    1. I'm sure there are many cooking and baking classes in Norway! (or you probably don't need a lesson as your pastries already looked pro! ;-))

  4. Aww those look delish, I wish to go to school someday when Poj is a bit bigger.. hayz, inggetz lang.
    I love the group photo =)

    1. They are delish! Can you just imagine they're made of almond flour... super sarap and chewy and crunchy!
